Why the Name: Demented Unicorn
Very early in my pregnancy I started to describe being pregnant to everyone as a demented unicorn. There were parts of being pregnant that were absolutely magical to me. Hearing my daughter’s heartbeat for the first time, how she would move within my belly, kick her daddy’s hand off my belly when he cramped her space too long, and the instant love that I had for her once I found out that I was pregnant; all very magical and wonderful parts for me of being pregnant.
However, the mood swings, road rage, liking of black licorice, having to wear my husband’s ugly shoes, gestational diabetes, and the feeling of no longer being in control of my body is where I feel the demented part of pregnancy kicks in. I did not expect pregnancy to be easy by any means. I am the person that asked all my friends with children to tell me the ugly side of pregnancy and childbirth because I am the woman that does better if she can be prepared to the best of her ability. And though I knew about the all day sickness, the food aversions, the smell aversions, heartburn, and the list truly could go on and on; I was not prepared for the sharp contrast of being pregnant. How pregnancy could feel like the biggest blessing and honor, while also feeling like a prank that went horribly wrong.
Now if you are the woman that loves being pregnant and cannot relate to this feeling, that is amazing! Please enjoy my humorous approach to describing what my pregnancy felt like to me.
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